10 "Ambiguous" Movie Endings (That Totally Aren't)

8. OJ DEFINITELY Survived - Nope

Take Shelter Michael Shannon

Here's another strange one that certain quarters of the internet have really latched onto.

Jordan Peele's Nope ends with OJ (Daniel Kaluuya) and his sister Em (Keke Palmer) defeating the alien creature nicknamed "Jean Jacket", and for a moment Em believes her brother didn't survive the encounter, only to see him emerge as the dust settles around Jupiter's Claim.

This prompted the widely disseminated fan theory that OJ was actually devoured by Jean Jacket during the final clash, and Em was simply hallucinating the final visage of her brother.

It's a bit ridiculous, really. A random hallucination would feel completely at odds with the rest of the film, and nothing at all in it indicates this shot would be anything but precisely what it is - Em seeing that her brother miraculously survived against the odds.

Peele himself more-or-less confirmed as much during interviews after the film's release, saying, "I think I made a film that has a very clear sequence of events as to what happened. I think it is very clear, and I will leave that at that."


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.