10 90s Movie Girlfriends Who Were Way Better Than Yours

American Pie Girls A while back, I wrote an article about the 10 80s Movie Girlfriends Who Were Way Better Than Yours. It seemed obvious...after all, there are tons of 80s romantic comedies, so there was a veritable army of awesome girlfriends to pick from. But I wondered what would happen if I tried to find great movie girlfriends from the 90s. Would it be as easy, in a decade more known for its irony and cynicism than anything else? Coming off of a decade jam packed with classic romantic comedies, the 90s took a step away from teenage fare for the most part. Film executives were trying to target the teenagers that watched The Breakfast Club and Pretty and Pink now that they were a little older, so it makes sense that you would start to see a lot of films marketed for the jaded 20-somethings of the 90s. Don't get me wrong, there are still plenty of great 90s teen films. But it wasn't the powerhouse genre it had been only a decade earlier. So, for the most part, we replace our Molly Ringwalds and Elisabeth Shues with Winona Ryders and Rachael Lee Cooks. But as it turns out, I needn't have worried. There are plenty of lovely 90s ladies who put your GFs to shame. Here are the best of the best. Commence feelings of inadequacy and jealousy in T minus 3...2...1.

10. Corinne - Big Daddy

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Alright, bear with me on this one, because it might not seem like an obvious choice. I'll walk you through it. She worked at a Hooters to pay her way through medical school, which means that she is both hot and smart. She's forgiving enough to tolerate her boyfriend's one friend that we all have who thinks he's way funnier than he is (I'm looking at you, Sandler). Corinne can come off as a bit harsh, but that's really only because she's very protective of the people she cares about. You can see the love that she has for her fiance and sister throughout the film. And really, the only reason she pushes Sonny so hard is because she wants him to do something with his life. What's so wrong about that? She's a great stepmother to little Frankenstein, as we can tell by the film's epilogue. And also, not for nothing, but she's got great taste in men, since she was clever enough to bag herself Jon Stewart. I'd date her, that's all I'm saying.
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Audrey Fox is an ex-film student, which means that she prefers to spend her days in the dark, watching movies and pondering the director's use of diegetic sound. She currently works as an entertainment writer, joyfully rambling about all things film and television related. Add her on Twitter at @audonamission and check out her film blog at 1001moviesandbeyond.com.