10 90s Movie Girlfriends Who Were Way Better Than Yours
A while back, I wrote an article about the 10 80s Movie Girlfriends Who Were Way Better Than Yours. It seemed obvious...after all, there are tons of 80s romantic comedies, so there was a veritable army of awesome girlfriends to pick from. But I wondered what would happen if I tried to find great movie girlfriends from the 90s. Would it be as easy, in a decade more known for its irony and cynicism than anything else? Coming off of a decade jam packed with classic romantic comedies, the 90s took a step away from teenage fare for the most part. Film executives were trying to target the teenagers that watched The Breakfast Club and Pretty and Pink now that they were a little older, so it makes sense that you would start to see a lot of films marketed for the jaded 20-somethings of the 90s. Don't get me wrong, there are still plenty of great 90s teen films. But it wasn't the powerhouse genre it had been only a decade earlier. So, for the most part, we replace our Molly Ringwalds and Elisabeth Shues with Winona Ryders and Rachael Lee Cooks. But as it turns out, I needn't have worried. There are plenty of lovely 90s ladies who put your GFs to shame. Here are the best of the best. Commence feelings of inadequacy and jealousy in T minus 3...2...1.