10 Absolutely Ridiculous Moments In Mainstream Horror Movies

4. Krendler Is Fed His Own Brain (Hannibal)

hannibal brains When FBI agent Clarice Starling saves psychotic cannibal Hannibal Lecter from Mason Verger's attempts to feed him to pigs (Mason Verger being a wealthy child-molester who had survived a previous attack by Lecter), Lecter takes her to Krendler's secluded lake house and treats her wounds (Krendler being an associate of Starling's and a Justice Department official). When Krendler arrives home for the Fourth of July, Lecter subdues and drugs him. Starling, already disoriented by morphine that had been administered by Lecter and dressed in a black velvet cocktail dress, awakens to find Lecter cooking, whilst Krendler is in a wheelchair seated at the table set for an elegant dinner. Weakened by the drugs, she looks on in horror as Lecter removes the top of Krendler's skull - which he had prepared for previously by cutting around his head with surgical precision - cuts out part of his prefrontal cortex, sautées it, and feeds Krendler his own brain.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.