10 Actors Who Were Cruelly Shafted By Franchise Reboots

9. Topher Grace - Spider-Man 3

While not hated to the same degree as Batman and Robin, Spider-Man 3 was considered by many fans to be a disappointment. One of the primary criticisms was directed towards Topher Grace as Eddie Brock, a.k.a. Venom. Shoehorned in with two other bad guys and multiple subplots, Grace€™s Venom failed to live up to the comic book badass we€™ve known for years. The attempts to play Brock as Peter€™s opposite did not work out well, and by the time Brock dove towards the symbiote before the pumpkin bomb went off, many were glad to see him caught in the explosion. However, as most comic book readers know, death is rarely permanent. Despite his apparent death, there were plans to bring back Brock for a Venom spinoff, although this time he would be an anti-hero. However, after the difficulties surrounding Spider-Man 4, the series was rebooted. While there is still a Venom movie scheduled for release, it will not feature Grace reprising his role. If Brock is chosen as the symbiote host for the spinoff, hopefully they€™ll pick an actor much more physically imposing to play him. Grace may be a good actor, but he just didn€™t cut it on the look.

Adam Holmes is a writer who loves a good story whether it's fact or fiction. When he's not day-dreaming about time travel, he's usually immersing himself in all things film, television and comic books. He hopes to one day break into the entertainment journalism industry. Yes, he is aware of his resemblance to Clark Kent and McLovin. Keep up on the latest geek news by following his articles at Unleash The Fanboy: http://www.unleashthefanboy.com/author/adam-holmes