10 Actors DE-AGED For Huge Movie Roles

4. Isabelle Fuhrman - Orphan: First Kill (2022)

The Irishman 2019
Paramount Pictures

Preceding the events of the first Orphan film, First Kill has pint-size Esther (Isabelle Fuhrman) escape from a psychiatric ward in Estonia, hoping to carve out a new life for herself. Having killed guards and therapists and whoever else she can lay her tiny hands-on, Esther makes her way to the US in pursuit of the American Dream: to impersonate the missing-presumed-dead daughter of a wealthy family until such a time comes as she can dispose of them and inherit their stash.

Having played an adult pretending to be a child, whilst a child, in the first film, Fuhrman returned for the Orphan prequel as an adult to play an even younger adult pretending to be a child. Phew.

Rather than use expensive digital de-ageing technology for this outing (which financiers were unlikely to approve for a non-blockbuster horror), director William Brent Bell went back to basics. He used all the tricks in the book, relying on tactful makeup and clothing choices on then-25-year-old Fuhrman, platform shoes for the supporting cast, forced perspective and other old-fashioned movie magic techniques to make his lead appear significantly smaller and younger in every scene.

Once you know how it's done, however, it's hard to look at some of the movie's scenes the same way ever again.

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