10 Actors Who Were Paid Shockingly Little For Famous Roles

9. Bill Murray - Rushmore - $9,000

Bill Murray is such a legend in his own right that true fans could probably justify paying the man $100,000 million dollars just for turning up to say one line. But Murray isn't the sort of person who plays by the "rules" when it comes to his Hollywood career - he flitters from one project to the next, doing whatever he likes, getting paid salaries of both the low and high kind. For this guy, it's all about how good the movie is and how excited it the part he's been offered gets him. So despite the fact that it's perhaps one of his best and most memorable roles, the actor only ended up bagging $9,000 dollars for his turn in Wes Anderson's Rushmore, where he played millionaire Heston Blume opposite precocious teen Max Fischer (Jason Schwartzman). The Groundhog Day actor apparently settled for the minimum Screen Actors Guild rate for his performance - he was so enthused by the character that he agreed to do it on the super cheap!

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