10 Actors Planning To Make Huge Comebacks

7. Carrie-Anne Moss

kevin spacey

Carrie-Anne Moss will always be best-remembered for the role of Trinity in the Matrix trilogy, and her post-Matrix career has been relatively low-key for the most part, taking supporting roles in mid-budget genre films and guest spots on TV shows (most notably, Jeri Hogarth on Jessica Jones).

Moss' last movie role was a thankless part in the atrocious 2017 horror film The Bye Bye Man, but things are most certainly looking up for the actress, who is set to reprise the Trinity role in The Matrix 4 later this year.

It remains to be seen how the deceased Trinity will be brought back to life for the hugely anticipated sci-fi action sequel, but simply seeing Moss back in the saddle alongside Keanu Reeves will ensure it's her biggest movie role since, well, The Matrix Revolutions.

Above all else, hopefully it'll remind audiences of her powerhouse acting talents and sure ability to command the screen in a mega-budget blockbuster. We need more Carrie-Anne Moss on the big screen.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.