10 Actors We'd Love To See In Star Wars

2. Sean Bean

Star Wars Sean Bean

Whatever role you give him, just don't kill him off.

Sean Bean is one of the most decorated British actors in the business. He started out as the leading man on the hit show Sharpe, then moved his way up the ladder with significant roles like Boromir, Alec Trevelyan and Ned Stark in Lord of the Rings, Goldeneye and Game of Thrones respectively, until he came to be where he is now.

It has been some time since Bean has starred in a genuinely large-scale project, and as such, Star Wars would be the perfect avenue for him. Fans everywhere would love to see it happen, and Disney would certainly be able to make good use of his star-power to fill out the ranks of one of their upcoming projects.

One character type that Bean would excel in is the wise mentor role. He has taken this position on before in projects like Game of Thrones, Percy Jackson and more, so it's clear that he works well with the type. Star Wars is a franchise that always makes fair use of this kind of character, so there's no doubt that such a position would work for him.


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