10 Actors Who Almost Played 2019's Biggest Roles

8. Sam Claflin - Jon Snow; Game Of Thrones

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Game of Thrones is done! Finished! History! And Jon Snow got the most bittersweet of endings, but one that seemed so fitting for the show we have all been glued to for the past 8 seasons of Westerosi action.

For years fans have watched Kit Harrington's stoic portrayal of the embodiment of the Song of Ice and Fire, and it is impossible to picture anyone else in the role. However, another well-know British actor was up for the role in the form of Sam Claflin.

The Ipswich-born actor has appeared in other franchises such as The Hunger Games as District 4's Finnick, and as the mermaid-loving Philip Swift in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, but neither role comes close to the importance and stature of Jon.


Scriptwriting - BA Producing - MA Article-based online influence - TBD