10 Actors Who Appeared In Movies By Trickery

6. Bruce Willis - Reprisal

Bruce Willis Reprisal
Lionsgate Premiere

Don't feel bad if you haven't heard of Reprisal, an action-thriller dumped on VOD last summer co-starring Bruce Willis and Frank Grillo.

Rocking a stonking 0% on the Tomatometer, it's a textbook example of a movie that exists solely to grant an easy payday to a star who couldn't give any less of a toss, and fill out truck-stop bargain bins the world over.

It's not uncommon for STV action films to feature only fleeting appearances from their "feature attractions", while padding the run-time out with supporting players nobody cares about. Nicolas Cage, John Travolta and Steven Seagal are all guilty of it, but nobody does it quite as lazily as Brucey.

One can only assume from watching Reprisal that Willis was on set for all of a few relaxed days, because despite the film hardly demanding much of him physically, most of the "heavy lifting" is left to his long-time stunt double, Stuart F. Wilson.

Wilson not only doubles for Willis during the film's scuffles, but literally fills in for Willis during basic camera set-ups where he presumably can't be bothered to exit his trailer.

These moments are hilariously jarring because a) Wilson doesn't look that much like Willis, and b) Willis' character keeps his back to the camera for a distractingly disproportionate amount of time.

On one hand, good for Wilson for presumably getting a fatter pay-day as a result, but as an exercise in trying to dupe the audience, it's painfully, embarrassingly bad. One can barely call it a "trick", given that nobody's falling for this crap.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.