Remember Tobey Maguire? Of course you do. Can't blame you if you've forgotten, though, given that Maguire hasn't really featured in anything noteworthy since Spider-Man 3 - and even that movie was something of a huge critical bomb. Now, reminded that Tobey Maguire is still alive and well, some of you might be wondering: "Yeah, where is Tobey Maguire? What's he up to these days?" Well, aside from appearing in The Great Gatsby with Leonardo DiCaprio back in 2013, nothing much, actually. In fact, his career since 2007 has pretty much consisted of a few cameos and some TV work. But now Maguire is back, riding into Hollywood on the back of a potential Oscar-winner. That's to say, Pawn Sacrifice - a biopic of chess prodigy Bobby Fischer - looks to be the stuff of Academy Awards glory, and certainly appears to be something of a comeback vehicle for the former Peter Parker, who is rumoured to put in a truly brilliant performance.
Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.