10 Actors Who Are Certifiably Insane

6. Dennis Hopper

Even if the latter portion of his career was pretty chill, there's no doubting that in his 1970s hey-day, Dennis Hopper was one of Hollywood's premiere counter-cultural icons, a hippie who resented the excess of Hollywood, and following the success of his film Easy Rider, actually decided to seclude himself for a while in a remote town. The stories of his drug addiction are well documented, notably being perpetually off his face on cocaine during the shoot for Apocalypse Now, and the effect this had on his numerous marriages (eventually numbering five). One of Hopper's most famous spats was with Rip Torn, who he claimed had pulled a knife on him during pre-production on Easy Rider, though a court sided in favour of Torn, fining Hopper $450,000, and when he appealed, he lost again, being fined another $450,000 in punitive damages. He's one of those actors that just about everyone in Hollywood seems to have a crazy memory about, and his classically manic characters of cinema - namely Blue Velvet's Frank Booth - probably tapped into the man's inner-psyche more than we ever thought.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.