10 Actors Who BLAMED Fans For Films Failing

2. Elizabeth Banks - Charlie's Angels

Hellboy David Harbour
Focus World

When Elizabeth Banks decided to direct and star in a 2019 reboot of a year 2000 re-imagining of a 1970s TV show, she thought she was onto a winner.

Shockingly, the rebooted reboot starring the deadpan Kristen Stewart in the lead role performed awfully at the box office and was derided by critics and viewers alike as boring and joyless.

Rather than being gracious and philosophical in defeat, however, Banks went on the offensive, blaming the movie's shortcomings on - drum roll please - men.

Even before its release, Banks said:

“If this movie doesn’t make money it reinforces a stereotype in Hollywood that men don’t go see women do action movies.”

On its failure: “They’ll (men) go and see a comic book movie with Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel because that’s a male genre,” Banks said in an interview.

“So even though those are movies about women, they put them in the context of feeding the larger comic book world, so it’s all about, yes, you’re watching a Wonder Woman movie but we’re setting up three other characters or we’re setting up Justice League”.

Sorry, but the fact of the matter is that nobody cares about Charlie's Angels, and they haven't since the seventies.

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