10 Actors Who Desperately Need Their Own Netflix Movie
9. Bruce Willis

It was about a decade ago that Bruce Willis seemed to stop giving even half a damn about the quality of his starring output, and these days the majority of his releases are forgettable, critically-panned action thrillers. It's quite a fall from grace for an actor who was once one of Hollywood's most bankable and iconic action heroes.
Now, unlike Brendan Fraser, Willis catches a good deal of the flak himself because he's clearly relentlessly pursuing a paycheck and phones in the majority of his performances in these movies. It almost feels like he's lost his love of actually acting, but perhaps taking his talents to the world of streaming could help revitalise things a little.
There's no point in Willis just churning out the same, tired action schlock on Netflix, though, so it'd need to be something a little different: perhaps a Shane Black-esque neo-noir or a role that goes totally against-type.
While Willis' upcoming role in M. Night Shyamalan's Unbreakable sequel Glass hopefully inspired him to actually try, it's hard to imagine his general attitude will change much while the bargain basement cop thriller genre remains profitable. Giving him his own Netflix Original could maybe, just maybe, change that.
How Likely Is It?: Willis doesn't exactly come across as the most forward-thinking of actors, and he could very well be one to sniff at the prospect of one of his movies not even getting a Blu-ray release (because you gotta get those residual payments, right?).
It'd depend entirely on how much money Netflix was willing to throw at Willis, but even then, his ego would be a major factor here. 4/10