10 Actors Who Destroyed Their Bodies To Bring Characters To Life

5. Mila Kunis' Ballerina Diet Permanently Changed Her Shape - Black Swan

Bane Tom Hardy
Fox Searchlight

When it comes to drastically changing up your physique, working out like a maniac is all well and good. However, your diet also needs to be on point in order to effectively shed those pounds.

Yet, there have been a few occasions where actors have been known to take dieting a bit too far when attempting to morph their bodies into the shape they desire for a particular role.

When losing weight for his role in the Machinist (2004), Christian Bale famously lived off a 200 calorie-a-day diet, consisting of cigarettes, whiskey, black coffee, an apple and a tin of tuna throughout the day.

Mila Kunis may not have gone quite that far when preparing for her role as Lily in Black Swan (2010), but her body was still changed for good due to the extreme dieting she put herself through.

She too smoked a ton of cigarettes, although her diet consisted of 1200 calories-a-day (which is still insane!). Speaking to Harper's Bazaar, Kunis said of the weight loss:

'My shape is different. When I got down to 95 pounds, I was muscles, like a little brick house, but skin and bones. When I gained it back, it went to completely different areas.'

Kunis has since gone on record saying she wouldn't recommend this approach to anyone, but there's no denying this performance as Lily ranks as one of the best of her career.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...