10 Actors Who Destroyed Their Bodies To Bring Characters To Life

2. Shia LaBeouf Cuts His Face And Takes Out A Tooth - Fury

Bane Tom Hardy

Shia LaBeouf may be many things, but he's definitely not a half-arsed performer.

If he's signed on to do something, you can bet your ass he's going to give you his all and push himself to the absolute limit to bring a character to life.

Which was a little bit of a recipe for disaster when he was eventually cast in WWII drama Fury (2014). Most of the actors involved were advised by director David Ayer to punch and fight each other before rehearsals in order to build trust and bond the squad, but LaBeouf decided to take his character to another level.

Co-star Logan Lerman told British GQ, Labeouf 'walks out into the hallway and says, 'Hey man, wanna see something fun? Check this out...' and he takes out a knife and cuts his face.'

This was due to the actor not feeling the make up cuts were up to scratch.

He also had one of his teeth taken out and refused to shower for weeks whilst shooting the flick.

In the end, LaBeouf definitely gained the respect of his peers - with the film's lead Brad Pitt claiming he is one of the greatest actors he's ever seen - but his ultra-method approach left him with a very real scar and new fake gnasher.

LaBeouf also recently completely tattooed his chest for his upcoming role in Ayer's The Tax Collector, proving yet again how far he's willing to go to deliver an authentic performance.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...