10 Actors Who Didn't Know They Were Being Filmed For Movies

1. Jim Bouton - The Long Goodbye

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
United Artists

Robert Altman's 1973 neo-noir classic The Long Goodbye features a supporting appearance by baseball player Jim Bouton, who plays Philip Marlowe's (Elliot Gould) ill-fated close friend Terry Lennox.

In the recently released biography about Bouton's life, "Boutin: The Life of a Baseball Original," he talks in detail about his experiences acting on the film, namely Altman throwing him in the deep end of a major Hollywood movie.

Bouton was approached for the role by Gould himself after Stacy Keach fell ill and couldn't play the part. Boulton expected to be screen-tested and given lines to learn, but Altman did neither, simply requesting his presence on set.

Though Bouton was given a script, Altman told him to toss it once he showed up, while advising him, "We're just going to have a conversation. Say whatever you feel like saying."

When Gould arrived on set and started talking to Boulton, he wasn't even aware that the cameras were rolling, and when Boulton asked if they were, Altman promptly shouted "Cut!"

Altman then filmed a few more off-hand takes of the two actors talking, producing enough improvised banter that he was able to cut a coherent conversation together.

You'd never really guess from watching the early scene in question, such is the genius of an all-timer filmmaker like Robert Altman.

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