10 Actors Who Didn't Know They Were Being Filmed For Movies

8. Tom Hanks - Cast Away

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
via DreamWorks Pictures

There's no denying the over-the-odds commitment of Tom Hanks' Oscar-nominated performance in Cast Away, and by the actor's own admission, he more-or-less "went crazy" for real while playing shipwrecked, stranded FedEx executive Chuck Noland.

In a recent interview, Hanks stated that in addition to hearing the "voice" of inanimate volleyball Wilson in his head, he was often filmed by director Robert Zemeckis without the filmmaker shouting "action" or "cut."

As such, Hanks frequently wasn't sure if he was actually being filmed or not while carrying out his various survivalist actions. He said:

"That movie was literally about physical action, and I don't even recall where the camera was set up, it was just always set up somewhere because what I had to was I had to lash a raft together. I had to try to open a coconut, I had to... make a fire. I had to climb in or out of a cave. It was just me, and the box, and the lens and the... behavior."


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.