10 Actors Who Didn't Realise They Were Seconds Away From Disaster

4. Eli Roth And Omar Doom, Inglourious Basterds - Too Hot To Handle

The Exorcist

Perhaps the most spectacular moment of Quentin Tarantino's alternate tale of a number of attempts to assassinate Nazi leaders comes in the form of a cinema, containing said leaders, being blown all the way to hell towards the end of the flick.

Yet, though this was always set to be an explosive finale, nobody on the set of Inglourious Basterds was really aware just how hot a set-piece this would actually be. As Eli Roth would later note when talking to the LA Times, "The fire comes up. They thought it was going to burn at 400 degrees centigrade and it burned at 1,200."

Roth would go on to explain that his co-star Omar Doom wound up in the hospital due to the unanticipated heat whilst filming the fiery sequence. But he also stated that those on set were informed by the fire department that if the building had kept burning for 10-15 seconds more than it had already, it would have likely collapsed on all of them.

Well, at least it made for an insanely memorable big screen burning of Nazi flesh, though.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...