10 Actors Who Didn't Want To Be Credited For Horror Movie Roles

1. Kevin Spacey - Seven

Hannibal Gary Oldman
New Line Cinema

Promotion for David Fincher’s disturbing psychological horror Seven made great use of its impressive cast. There was smouldering Brad Pitt as Detective Mills, a rising star coming to maturity. Opposite him, Morgan Freeman as Detective Lieutenant Somerset, adding gravitas. Finally, Gwyneth Paltrow, ready to break through as Tracy Mills.

Missing from the line-up? Kevin Spacey, as the film’s antagonist. This was a calculated effort to keep the killer’s identity from coming out before the movie hit cinemas, and it worked wonders. While Spacey wasn’t yet a household name, he had status, and to put his name on a poster knowing he wasn’t one of the heroes would be to give the game away.

Instead, Spacey makes his appearance somewhere after the midpoint of the film, to shocking effect. He’s bloodied, crazed, totally intense, and from there, he takes over the movie. As John Doe, he’s tasked with delivering a monologue of intent that pulls the film together.

Admittedly, Spacey is named in the end credits of the film, but the concerted effort made to keep his involvement unknown until the movie is over was a calculated risk that paid off.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)