10 Actors Who Didn't Want To Be Credited For Movie Roles

2. Mercedes McCambridge In The Exorcist

Kingdom of Heaven King Baldwin
Warner Bros.

No one could have predicted the success of The Exorcist (1973) - based on a novel written by a comedic scribe, directed by a man known for downbeat crime dramas and documentaries, starring an as yet unknown twelve year old girl and a Swedish actor famous for Ingmar Bergman art-house movies.

The aftermath is the stuff of cinema legend (earning praise from the Catholic church and inducing vomiting in the isles) so how did a very respected Hollywood actress who starred alongside Liz Taylor and Rock Hudson end up screaming obscenities in a film that would be banned for decades?

Mercedes McCambridge had a successful career as a Hollywood star throughout the 1940s and 1950s before director William Friedkin cast her as the demon's voice in The Exorcist. He stated in The Fear Of God: The Making Of The Exorcist that McCambridge had the vocal qualities he was looking for, androgynous and weighty.

Friedkin then had her tied to a chair and fed copious amounts of whiskey (McCambridge fell off the wagon after many years sober), cigarettes and raw eggs to produce the multi-layered vocal resonance of Pazuzu the demon.

As for the lack of credit, McCambridge initially declined the offer of a regular billing, believing that the movie, while paying her a salary, would not amount to much and what anonymity she had would add a greater impact to the performance of Linda Blair.

When the film became nothing short of a phenomenon after its release, McCambridge went on to sue Warner Brothers and eventually had her name attached to all subsequent re-releases of the film. The power of cash compells you...


A lifelong aficionado of horror films and Gothic novels with literary delusions of grandeur...