10 Actors Who Get More Hate Than They Deserve

3. Shia LaBeouf

10-shia-labeouf Shia LaBeouf's hatred seems to be because Steven Spielberg is inexplicably infatuated with the guy. As well as being responsible for almost all of his "big break" roles, he - also rather inexplicably - cast him in the role of Indiana Jones' son. But look: it's not Shia's fault that Kingdom of the Crystal Skull sucked. That pretty much entirely comes down to George Lucas. In fact, Shia is quite open about how much of a misfire that that film was and it's his general openness towards this sort of thing that makes me think that the guy is actually quite switched on. I found this quote is in an article about how Shia says stupid things, but if you ask me, he comes off quite well:
On all the money he made from blockbusters: €œIf I could give the money back and get all the credibility in the world that I€™m seeking, I would do it tomorrow. In a heartbeat.€ - USA Today
What's wrong with that? He took the money and now he regrets it because he acknowledges that he's starred in some pretty shoddy movies. I can completely empathise with that. Yeah, he sold out a bit, but can you honestly say that you wouldn't have done the same thing in his shoes? And hate Transformers 2? So does he:
On the Transformers franchise: €œThere are a lot of people that liked the second one, but I hated it. I just didn€™t enjoy it. I thought we missed the mark. I got confused, I couldn€™t see what the fuck was going on, you know with certain robots€ I couldn€™t decipher what was happening. There were storyline paths that I just wouldn€™t have gone down.€ - FHM
These might not be the most wonderful, profound quotes in the world, but remember that I took them from an article that had specifically collected 11 quotes designed to make Shia look as bad as possible. If that's the worst you've got on him, then I think I'm on his side. Shia's recent filmography has taken a sharp, rapid turn of upward quality and his next project is the lead in a Lars Von Trier movie which pretty much proves that he's out to make art now, as opposed to money.
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Sol studied film production at university and now he works in television. Aim for the stars and even if you miss, you’ll still land in TV. He spends his time watching films and complaining about them on the internet. His latest outlet is Whatculture. You can find him on Twitter as @solmaquina.