10 Actors Who Hate ONE Movie In Their Franchise

5. Sylvester Stallone - Rocky V

Harry Potter Half Blood Prince

We're now eight movies deep into the Rocky franchise, with a ninth, Creed III, due to begin shooting soon enough. It's frankly impressive that a boxing movie series has enjoyed such longevity and really only delivered one outright dud to date.

We're talking of course about the widely-maligned Rocky V, which is both the worst-reviewed and lowest-grossing film in the franchise, with most feeling that the series had basically run its course while turning in a strangely depressing farewell to Sylvester Stallone's title character.

But Stallone, who also wrote the film, hasn't ever shied away from taking the blame, freely admitting in an interview with The Sun that his primary motivation for making Rocky V was money, and that it was a mistake:

"I'm greedy - what can I tell you? It was a mistake because the audience didn't want to see the downside of the character. They wanted him to remain on top. I should have known that. I fell into a sense of self-parody."

While promoting the belated sixth film, Rocky Balboa, Stallone further piled on about Rocky V:

"I was very negligent [with 1990's] Rocky V. It just didn't leave anyone with any sense of hope."

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.