10 Actors Who HATED Their Performances In Awesome Movies

4. Emma Watson Thought Her Accent Was Terrible - The Perks Of Being A Wallflower

Sirius Black Gary Oldman
Summit Entertainment

After spending the majority of her on-screen career playing the iconic role of young British witch Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter series, hearing Emma Watson confidently unleash an American accent as Sam in The Perks Of Being A Wallflower admittedly felt a little odd at first.

But it wasn't long before folks had gotten used to the new sound coming out of Watson's mouth as she stole many a scene opposite the likes of Logan Lerman and Ezra Miller in the terrific coming-of-age drama.

Watson herself didn't feel that her stab at the American twang was up to scratch, however, telling MTV News (via Digital Spy) that she thought it sounded "terrible" and was really nervous about the whole thing.

The British thespian may not have felt she smashed it out of the park with her accent work here, but the strong reviews that were sent her way in the wake of the film's release told a different story, with some outlets even going as far as to state that the American way suited her.

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