10 Actors Who HATED Working On Amazing Movies
If anyone needs me, I'll be in my trailer!

There are plenty of reasons not to enjoy a job. Long hours, low pay, idiotic co-workers and a demanding boss with unrealistic expectations, can all contribute to pushing someone out the door and quitting employment. And while some people have the luxury of throwing their name tags on the floor and storming out of employment, never to be seen again, the same unfortunately cannot be said for movie stars.
Whether they are talked into a role or artistic plans changed during shooting, once an actor is locked in a film, they're contractually locked. With millions of dollars on the line, most actors wrapped in projects they don't like just grit their teeth and get through it. And while I'm sure these stories are few and far between, there isn't a shallow well of them.
Some actors regret their decisions years later; recalling and lamenting acting choices they made earlier on in their careers. But others are very vocal about their disdain from the get go. Anyone would think they were trying to get themselves fired - some of them even succeeded.
For these ten actors, they were working on one of the biggest films of their careers, movies that have been accepted as being genuinely great. Sadly, the stars themselves don't seem to agree.
10. The Whole Cast - Monty Python And The Holy Grail

At this point in history, Monty Python is an acquired taste, but even if it's not your cup of tea, you have to admit that the comedy troupe did open the doors for surreal and obscure humour.
The 1975 classic Monty Python & The Holy Grail has been hailed as one of the greatest comedies of all time, and you'd think the cast and crew making it would have had a blast. That doesn't seem to be the case for many of the performers, who (while joking about it today), had an awful time coping with the wet and dreary conditions of filming in not-so-sunny Scotland.
While filming in tough weather conditions is just part of the job, when a day of shooting wrapped up, the cast and crews scarpered to their hotels where limited baths and showers were available. With the cast pretty much agreeing that shooting the film made them all miserable, it really doesn't show in the finished product of the film.
Then again, the troupe's next film (Life of Brian) was shot Tunisia - so maybe the cast felt that their next feature needed warmer climates, for comedy purposes of course, and nothing else.