10 Actors Who HATED Working On Amazing Movies

2. Burt Reynolds - Boogie Nights

The Bourne Ultimatum
New Line Cinema

Right out the gate, let's preface this entry by saying that no one had a good time making Boogie Nights. And while bonus points have to be awarded to Mark Wahlberg's reluctance and (still) disdain for the film, the top prize has to be awarded to acting legend Burt Reynolds.

Before he even slipped into the red shirt of porn producer Jack Horner, Reynolds was aggressively reluctant to take the role - only relenting after numerous offers from the film's director, Paul Thomas Anderson.

Burt Reynolds loathed the film, and its background seemed to disgust him more and more; as research into the porn industry and speaking to performers made him physically repulsed.

During filming, his clashes with Paul Thomas Anderson were so visceral and so frequent they resulted in a fistfight that should have got the movie legend kicked off set.

But Anderson was passionate about his project, even if Reynolds thought otherwise. After filming completed, Reynolds had his agent fired for suggesting he take such a movie. But during Awards Season later on, Reynolds found himself winning a Golden Globe for his performance, and nominated for an Oscar.

I guess hating good art really does pay off.


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!