10 Actors Who Have Played Multiple Star Wars Characters
Think Mark Hamill stopped at Luke Skywalker? Think again.

The Star Wars franchise has certainly seen its ups and downs throughout its time, but nevertheless still remains one of the most popular and successful even almost half a century after the initial release of A New Hope. Both movies and TV shows have reached double digits, and with that comes a great many actors to portray the characters of a galaxy far, far away.
Combining the talents of relative unknowns with powerhouse names in the industry has been the tactic since 1977, and it has worked pretty well for the most part. So much so that some actors have been brought back to play multiple characters.
Some of these made perfect sense in a world of clones, while others were able to get away with portraying multiple characters thanks to having their faces covered by masks, CGI, or veiled behind an animated character.
Even the very face of the franchise, the man behind one of the most famous characters in all of science-fiction history got away with playing a few more characters without most people initially realising, as did everyone’s favourite droids...
10. Kenny Baker

Of the Star Wars duo that could genuinely be labelled as two of the most famous robots in history, one has grown for itself something of a reputation as being quite annoying, while no one could have a bad word to say about the other.
Rather than just an assistant of sorts to the likes of the Jedi and the Resistance, R2-D2 has many times been a hero in its own right. Played by Kenny Baker throughout both the original and prequel trilogies, the droid has over the years become incredibly popular.
R2-D2 wasn't a CGI creation, Baker at 3' 8" tall literally wore the droid essentially as a costume, and was utilised again in a similar way in Return of the Jedi. Not only did Baker play R2-D2 in Episode VI, he also brought to life Paploo, one of the many Ewoks who aided Han Solo and co. on the Forest Moon of Endor.