10 Actors Who Haven't Made A Good Movie In YEARS

3. David Duchovny

Blacklight Liam Neeson
Sony Pictures Releasing

David Duchovny has a uniquely laid-back temperament as an actor that could be so easily mistaken for laziness yet absolutely isn't - it's extremely hard to make acting look that natural and, dare one say, effortless.

Though Duchovny never made a major leap from TV to film following the success of The X-Files, he has nevertheless appeared in a number of genre films - primarily comedies - over the last 20 years.

In the last year alone Duchovny has appeared in three films - The Bubble (21%), The Estate (30%), and You People (42%) - following the woefully misguided The Craft: Legacy (48%) back in 2020.

Sadly none of these movies had much to offer the actor, who has largely been coasting on forgettable projects like this since his last acclaimed project - the Showtime TV series Californication, for which he received a Golden Globe award in 2008.

In the film stakes, Duchovny's last decent movie was The Joneses, which scraped a barely-Fresh 62% back in 2009, and it's Hollywood's loss, because they're sleeping on a major talent right here.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.