10 Actors Who Hopefully Killed Their Careers In 2015

3. Rupert Friend

It would be unfair to call Rupert Friend a truly bad actor: he was fine in last year's gritty prison thriller Starred Up, and has been an acceptable (if forgettable) presence on TV show Homeland for the last few years, but he made a major career mistake by deciding to replace Paul Walker in the recent attempt to reboot the Hitman (8%) video game property for the big screen. Any promise the actor showed prior was near-instantly obliterated here, giving a risible performance which betrayed the source material and instantly gained him the ire of the entire video game community. Hell, he didn't even shave his damn head properly for the role. His only other non-TV activity this year was in the minor art-house release Meet Me in Montenegro, which fell on deaf ears both critically and commercially. Friend doesn't have any other movies on the horizon, and without any confirmation of a Hitman sequel (the film was admittedly a modest financial success), he just seems much better-suited to the world of TV. When Homeland's steam eventually runs out though, who knows what will be left for him...

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.