10 Actors Who Just Disappeared From Movies

8. Kristen Stewart - Clouds Of Sils Maria

IFC Films

Olivier Assayas' acclaimed drama Clouds of Sils Maria stars Juliette Binoche as middle-aged actress Maria Enders, who comes to a personal and professional crossroads while travelling with her American assistant, Valentine (Kristen Stewart).

Despite the clear expectation that the two will spend most if not all of the movie together, Stewart ultimately vanishes out of the movie earlier than expected in the most jarringly abrupt way.

In the film's third act, Maria and Valentine go for a hike to the Maloja Pass in the Swiss Alps, where they argue over their interpretations of the play that Maria is imminently set to star in.

But as they continue trekking across the pass, Valentine suddenly disappears, which even more bizarrely goes basically unacknowledged by Maria and unexplained for the film's remaining 25 minutes.

Ultimately what happens to Valentine is left wide-open to interpretation. Did she die? Did she simply get fed up of Maria and walk away? Was she even real?

Yet Stewart's sudden departure didn't stop her from winning the César Award for Best Supporting Actress, making her the first American in history to do so.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.