10 Actors Who Just Gave Their Best Performance Out Of NOWHERE

2. Lauren-Marie Taylor - In a Violent Nature

Furiosa Dementus

Artsy slasher flick In a Violent Nature has quite the surprise in store for horror fans, as Friday the 13th Part 2 star Lauren-Marie Taylor makes an unexpected appearance in the third act of the movie as a woman in a pickup truck who stops to assist sole survivor Kris (Andrea Pavlovic).

Taylor, who by the late 1990s had more-or-less quit acting to work as a school teacher, was coaxed out of retirement with Chris Nash's script, which rather than simply offer Taylor a wink-wink cameo, gives her a long, 10-minute monologue to chew through.

And it's not merely a long-retired actor pulling off a huge monologue that's impressive here - it's that Taylor has to perform it with enough subtlety to make the audience suspicious of her character's intentions, but not tip her hat too pointedly in either direction.

It's a phenomenal performance for any actor, let alone someone who's been basically out of the game for almost 30 years. While Taylor's filmography counts just a small number of roles, this feels like the work of a genuine industry veteran.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.