10 Actors Who Just Gave Their Worst Performance EVER

These actors just turned in the worst work of their careers.

Napoleon Joaquin Phoenix
Apple TV+

Acting is one hell of a tough racket and, ultimately, performers only have so much control over how their work turn out, being subject to the whims of both the script and how the director treats their performance in the edit.

All the same, it's clear when an actor isn't working at the top of the game, and certainly when they're doing the last thing they ever want to - delivering the very worst performance of their entire career.

The higher the peaks an actor climbs, the more dramatic their fall from grace becomes, as these actors have evidently learned over the past year by giving their worst performances to date.

From blatantly lazy, cynical paycheck roles in terrible genre films to more disappointingly miscalculated attempts that just didn't work out, these performances all did the same thing - they fell horrendously flat.

While thankfully nobody's dealing with a career-ender here, a few are at least likely to secure Razzie nominations in the coming months, while fans hope that they'll dive back into a more worthy project or two in 2024...

10. Sylvester Stallone - Expendables 4

Napoleon Joaquin Phoenix

Granted, you could make an argument for just about everyone in Expendables 4 not named Jason Statham giving a career-worst performance.

But despite Sly Stallone having a fair number of clunkers to his name throughout his illustrious career, he again hit the bottom of the well with his maddeningly scaled-back role in this action sequel few were truly asking for.

Even though Stallone plays Expendables leader Barney Ross, he ends up disappearing for the vast majority of the movie when Barney is "killed" at the end of the first act, only to re-appear in the finale, saving the day while clunkily revealing that he faked his own death.

Even when Stallone is on screen, though, he's mostly either sat down in a gunship or doing something of limited mobility like standing still.

Now to be fair to Sly, the man's close to 80 years of age, but in every fiber of his performance, it's painfully obvious his heart wasn't in it.

Stallone has never seemed less enthusiastic to be in front of camera - no, not even in Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot. And given that the Razzies have a colossal hate-boner for him, he's basically a shoo-in to get another nomination for his lackluster effort here.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.