10 Actors Who Just Gave Their Worst Performance EVER

1. Michael Flatley - Blackbird

The Little Mermaid Javier Bardem
Dance Lord Productions

There's no denying that Michael "Lord of the Dance" Flatley is a talented dancer, though outside of a few cameo appearances in a handful of movies, few would consider him an actual actor.

That is, except Flatley himself, who in 2018 started production on his own self-financed, self-directed, self-starring spy film, Blackbird, which finally hit UK cinemas last summer.

To call the film a vanity project is to rather undersell the matter - Blackbird marks Flatley's clear attempt to build a James Bond-esque action franchise for himself, and in an outcome which most could've surely seen coming, it's an abject disaster.

The 60-something Flatley simply isn't believable as a suave, sexy, physically capable spy, and is further unaided by a self-penned script that has a distinct "we have Casino Royale at home" quality to it.

Flatley has sold out stadiums the world over for very good reason, yet it's also painfully clear why his attempt to establish himself as an action hero didn't make the faintest dent at the box office.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.