10 Actors Who Just Gave Their Worst Performance EVER

6. Glenn Close - Heart Of Stone

The Little Mermaid Javier Bardem

Glenn Close can almost do no wrong, and though she's starred in many movies blatantly below her station in the pursuit of a paycheck over the years, she's never shown as little enthusiasm as she did in Netflix's recent action-thriller Heart of Stone.

The Gal Gadot-fronted genre flick features a minutes-long surprise cameo appearance from the eight-time Oscar nominee, and while her presence can't help but perk the movie up for a fitful moment, Close hasn't ever seemed this disinterested in a role.

Close plays the King of Diamonds, one of the leaders of a global peacekeeping outfit called The Charter, and admittedly isn't asked to do much more than stand around and spout a few pages of exposition before being summarily killed off.

All the same, Close reads her dialogue with all the enthusiasm of someone double-checking their shopping list aloud - a mere obligation in order to get on with the rest of her day.

Granted, this isn't a good movie by any stretch, but Close's anodyne performance made her seem seconds away from falling asleep mid-take.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.