10 Actors Who Just Gave Their Worst Performance EVER

3. Ken Jeong - Fool's Paradise

The Little Mermaid Javier Bardem
Roadside Attractions

Ken Jeong certainly isn't an actor for everybody - he's loud, boisterous, and often intentionally annoying, yet this is taken to its most excruciating zenith yet in Charlie Day's recent misfire of a directorial debut, Fool's Paradise.

The film, which was trapped in post-production purgatory for almost five years, sees Jeong play Lenny, the opportunistic publicist of Day's mute protagonist Latte Pronto.

Jeong is grating enough here that he makes his character Mr. Chow from the Hangover movies seem positively convivial by comparison.

And while Lenny is absolutely supposed to be overbearing to a point, we're also meant to like him eventually, yet Jeong's trainwreck of a performance simply turns him into an easy-to-loathe irritation.

Even knowing what Jeong's typical acting style is like, this is especially tough to sit through, his entire energy proving more offputting than it's ever been before - which is really saying something.

In the very least, Jeong won't suffer much blowback from it given how few people actually bothered to watch this movie.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.