10 Actors Who Just Played Against Type (And KILLED It)

1. Daisy Ridley - Sometimes I Think About Dying

Dev Patel Monkey Man
Mirror Image Films

Daisy Ridley has kept a relatively low acting profile ever since the Star Wars sequel trilogy ended in 2019, though obliterated any and all expectations when she recently starred in the low-key dark comedy Sometimes I Think About Dying.

Though Ridley's recent filmography is populated by her playing kickass heroines and plummy Brits, Rachel Lambert's film casts her as Fran, a lonely, socially awkward, plainly dressed office worker quite unlike anyone else Ridley has ever played before. On top of all this, she rocks a pretty solid American accent for the part, too.

While the movie itself is primed to divide the mainstream, Ridley's performance as this bookish, unassuming individual lies in stark contrast to the majority of her screen work. 

It's the sort of role typically given to more "quirky" indie darling actresses - not someone who played the lead role in the new Star Wars trilogy a little while ago.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.