10 Actors Who Just Played Against Type (And KILLED It)

6. David Dastmalchian - Late Night With The Devil

Dev Patel Monkey Man
IFC Films

If you're not a fan of David Dastmalchian, you clearly haven't been paying attention, because the guy's been giving low-key brilliant supporting performances in a bevy of huge movies for years, ranging from The Dark Knight to Prisoners, Ant-Man, Blade Runner 2049, Dune, The Suicide Squad, and Oppenheimer.

But Dastmalchian was finally cast in the first major leading role of his career in the recent horror film Late Night with the Devil, where he plays Jack Delroy, a successful late-night talk show host who attempts to boost his show's flagging ratings by inviting an apparently possessed girl to appear.

It's a far cry from the gallery of freaks and weirdos Dastmalchian has played consistently on-screen over the last 15 years, and even though it quickly becomes clear that there's more to Jack than meets the eye, it's still totally wild to see Dastmalchian playing a more charismatic individual - at least compared to his typical casting type.

And it goes without saying that he totally nailed it, enough that we'll hopefully see him cast in more beefy leading roles in the near future.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.