10 Actors Who Look RIDICULOUS In Upcoming Movies

4. Dwayne Johnson - The Smashing Machine

Flight Risk Mark Wahlberg

It's incredibly rare for Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson to look anything but himself - he's clearly an actor who relishes putting himself and His Brand out there, but for his new A24 sports drama The Smashing Machine, he's undergoing a transformation like nothing we've ever seen from him before.

In order to more closely resemble former wrestler and martial artist Mark Kerr, Johnson had his face covered in prosthetics, enough that even though we know we're looking at The Rock, he looks just different enough to make us all question ourselves.

Add to this a full head of hair - which Johnson hasn't sported in about 15 years - and his distinctive tattoos being covered with makeup, and it's indeed a massive physical change.

Makeup this radical certainly runs the risk of looking silly, so we'll have a better idea of how well it works when the first trailer drops. 

All the same, it's tough not to chuckle at the thought of Johnson playing a 29-year-old MMA fighter for at least a portion of the movie, an age he's close to doubling in reality.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.