10 Actors Who Made Comebacks In INSANE Movies

7. Hugh Grant - Cloud Atlas

Actors Making Comebacks Nicolas Cage Mandy
Warner Bros. Pictures

Hugh Grant was undeniably one of the most bankable male leads of the 1990s - if you needed a disarmingly foppish rom-com protagonist, he fit the bill perfectly, enough that Grant became aggressively typecast all the way through to the late 2000s.

The law of diminishing returns being what it is, Grant's cachet dwindled amid an array of less-than-stellar genre vehicles, prompting him to take an acting hiatus between 2009 and 2012.

Grant then returned in a most unexpected of films - the Wachowskis' ambitious sci-fi epic Cloud Atlas, where he played six wildly different characters and basically acted against-type in the most aggressive manner possible.

Despite Cloud Atlas' box office failure, it nevertheless led critics, audiences, and Hollywood itself appreciate that Grant had much more to offer than crusty rom-com roles, resulting in a major career resurgence in hit films like Florence Foster Jenkins, Paddington 2, The Gentlemen, Wonka, and TV series A Very English Scandal.

Grant himself even recently proclaimed that Cloud Atlas saved his career, deeming himself "completely marooned" after the 2009 rom-com Did You Hear About the Morgans? flopped, but appearing in the Wachowskis' film made him remember that he "almost used to enjoy acting."

Furthermore, he added that his acting offers "completely changed" after the film, and he was reportedly only cast in his upcoming A24 horror film Heretic because filmmakers Scott Beck and Bryan Woods had seen his work in Cloud Atlas. There it is.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.