10 Actors Who Made Real-Life Changes AFTER Movie Roles

1. Robert Downey Jr. Becomes Real-Life Tony Stark

Bad Teacher Cameron Diaz
Marvel Studios/The Footprint Coalition

Though the character of Tony Stark no doubt provided Robert Downey Jr. with a second chance to make good on his unquestionable potential as a performer, the Man behind the Iron has also seemingly had a huge impact on RDJ the person.

After finally hanging up his iconic metal suit of armour in the wake of Avengers: Endgame, Downey Jr. opted to follow in his on-screen characters footsteps by becoming a real-life ambassador for technology that would be used to "clean up the planet". This became clear during Amazon's Re: Mars conference in 2019, when the MCU megastar took to the stage and gave a keynote speech about The Footprint Coalition.

This organisation will focus on accelerating groundbreaking technology that can have a positive effect on our struggling environment, with Downey quipping during his speech, "Between robotics and nanotechnology, we could clean up the planet significantly, if not totally, in 10 years. God I love experts. They’re like Wikipedia with character defects.”

Sound like anyone you know?

Now let's just hope that The Footprint Coalition's grand plan to save the planet doesn't involve the creation of any artificially intelligent robots by the name of Ultron...

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...