10 Actors Who Made Real-Life Changes AFTER Movie Roles

8. James Cromwell Becomes A Vegan After Starring In Babe

Bad Teacher Cameron Diaz
Universal Pictures/domgrecophoto.com

Anyone who chooses to travel down the path of veganism usually has their own personal reasons for doing so. When it came to prolific actor James Cromwell's decision to turn his back on a way of living that involved any form of animal cruelty or exploitation, he found himself being inspired to do so on the set of a little film by the name of Babe.

The star had been a vegetarian since the mid-'70s, however his time on the set of the feature shot in Australia forced him to further reconsider the way he lived his life. After shooting numerous scenes alongside his animal co-stars for the film that would go on to become a smash hit, and then sitting down for lunch only to see their brethren sitting in front of him, Cromwell decided to "go the whole hog" as he put it, becoming an ethical vegan and being an extremely vocal activist for the cause ever since.

So much so, that the star was even arrested in 2017 during a PETA protest against the treatment of orcas at SeaWorld.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...