10 Actors Who Made Ridiculous Movie Demands So They Wouldn't Be Hired... But Were

1. Liam Neeson Demanded $20 Million - Taken 3

Fast and Furious Tokyo Drift/Chronicles Of Riddick Vin Diesel

Liam Neeson has enjoyed one of the most unexpected career resurgences in recent Hollywood history, reinventing himself as a middle-aged action hero in 2008's hugely successful thriller Taken.

Neeson was paid just $1 million for the role, though once the film made $226.8 million on a mere $25 million budget, a sequel was guaranteed, for which Neeson was paid a stonking $15 million.

Following Taken 2's release, Neeson seemed confident that he wouldn't return for a third film, citing the absurdity of his protagonist's daughter being kidnapped yet again.

But lo and behold, mere months later Taken 3 was indeed confirmed to be happening with Neeson returning.

The reason? The actor wrangled himself the fattest payday of his career by asking for a massive $20 million salary, which per the series' strong commercial performance and sensible budgeting, Fox agreed to.

Despite this and the film's woefully negative reviews, Taken 3 still posted $326.4 million at the global box office against a $48 million budget.

Neeson has since rubbished murmurs of a fourth film, and considering that seven years have passed since Taken 3 and Neeson will turn 70 next year, it's easier to believe him this time, no matter how much money Fox agrees to dump on his lawn.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.