10 Actors Who Need To Go Away For A While

8. Bruce Willis

Death Wish Bruce Willis

Oh, Bruce Willis. Though he's carved out a place for himself in Hollywood legend thanks to his iconic roles in the Die Hard franchise and The Sixth Sense in particular, he hasn't appeared in a critically-acclaimed feature since 2012's Looper (Split doesn't count).

And Brucey sure hasn't been slouching either: he's been in almost 20 movies since Looper, yet more than half of them have been widely-panned straight-to-video thrillers you'd expect someone like Steven Seagal to star in.

It seems evident he's lost his love for the craft and is just chasing the money now. He looked visibly pained to be working in Eli Roth's new Death Wish reboot, which is so depressing for his fans it's probably better if Bruce just quits the game, retires to a beach somewhere and enjoys his spoils.

Willis could finally awaken from his stupor for M. Night Shyamalan's upcoming Unbreakable/Split sequel Glass, but it's equally possible he could just sleepwalk his way through that as well. Wait and see.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.