10 Actors Who Need To Make A Great Movie Before It's Too Late

2. Eddie Murphy

2eddie murphy a thousand wordsLast Great Movie: Dreamgirls (2006) One more movie. That's all you've got, Eddie Murphy. One more movie to prove to us that there was a time when you could make us laugh, and not hate you for making us fork out money to see things that you're in. I don't know what happened here in the kind of detail that I'd ideally like to, but the basic sum of it is... Eddie Murphy made three comedy movies in a row with a director named Brian Robbins. Brian Robbins has never made a good movie. He's made three bad ones with Eddie. But we can't blame Brian: Eddie was the one who agreed to make three movies in a row with a bad director, after all. Where's the logic in that? At least you had those regular Shrek paychecks coming in to tide you over, I guess. But what is genuinely going on here, Mr. Murphy? How can so much bad seep out from a man with so much talent? There's got to be someone out there who can give you a good comedy movie to work on, right? Still, I'm not willing to keep coming back over and over again, giving you an endless amount of chances. Like I said, you have one more movie to make it up to us. Something that reminds us that we once loved you. Fail, and you're outta here.
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All-round pop culture obsessive.