10 Actors Who Perfectly Played Both Heroes And Villains

1. Michael Keaton - Batman & Spider-Man: Homecoming

Michael Keaton Batman Spiderman Homecoming
Warner Bros/Marvel Studios

Michael Keaton's Batman might be a creature hewn grotesquely out of darkness and the perpetual freakshow that is Tim Burton's Gotham, but he's still a hero of the oldest kind. He's intent on saving Gotham - often from itself - and believes, fundamentally that the world is worth saving.

Okay, so he goes about it in unconventional ways, but that doesn't mean his integrity is to be questioned or his hero status deleted. In Keaton's hands he's a deeply complex, richly confusing figure, who wears his diguise as Bruce Wayne rather than as Batman. He's dark and emotionally wounded but there's a sort of adventure book quality to his heroic spirit that works incredibly well against the backdrop of Burton's world.

The complexity is ported across to his other comic book movie performance as The Vulture in Spider-Man: Homecoming. He's a villain of necessity - a sort of personified recession evil - who robs from the rich (and beats them up a bit) to give to the poor (himself and his gang). He could be the hero in another film and Keaton is wonderfully compelling as all sides of him.

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