10 Actors Who Prepared Totally WRONG For A Role

1. Ryan Phillippe Dyed His Hair Blue Without Telling Anyone - Playing By Heart

The Cold Light of Day Henry Cavill

A slightly less troublesome entry than most of this list now, albeit one that still shows an actor making a judgment call about their character's appearance without consulting anybody else.

For the 1998 dramedy Playing by Heart, Ryan Phillippe decided to dye his hair blue, and didn't run this decision by writer-director Willard Carroll, producers, the makeup department, or anyone else.

Phillippe simply showed up on set sporting a dyed head of hair, surprising the cast and crew, but Carroll ultimately decided that he liked the look and it suited Phillippe's character, and so allowed the actor to keep it.

It's also worth noting that Phillippe's co-star Angelina Jolie similarly has her hair dyed red throughout the film, though reports vary online as to whether or not this was motivated by Phillippe's radical hair colour change.

All the same, Phillippe's unexpected dye job makes this otherwise forgettably competent movie a little more memorable.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.