10 Actors Who Prepared Totally WRONG For A Role

4. Anouska Hempel Got A Tan... To Play Dracula's Bride - Scars Of Dracula

The Cold Light of Day Henry Cavill
Continental Films

Here's something you've probably never even thought about - actors can create a cluster headache for make-up artists if they arrive on set fresh off a sun holiday and it doesn't suit the director's vision for the character or even make basic narrative sense.

Case in point, in 1970's Scars of Dracula, Anouska Hempel was cast to play Dracula's (Christopher Lee) imprisoned vampire mistress, Tania.

The part required Hempel to be pale-skinned, being Dracula's vampiric play-thing after all, and so make-up artist Roy Ashton became a teensy bit cheesed-off when she reported to set sporting a deep tan from a recent holiday to sunny Barbados.

Though Ashton evidently did his best to apply make-up to Hempel's face and body to give her a more pallid complexion, there's no mistaking her very obvious tan throughout the film, especially in comparison to Christopher Lee's more appropriately pasty, washed-out appearance.

Given that Hempel bares a fair amount of skin throughout the film, there was surely only so much that could be done to conceal her golden glow.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.