10 Actors Who Profited From Films That Ruined Careers

1. Harrison Ford - Star Wars

Perhaps the most unusual career trajectory from unknown to major star came for Harrison Ford, whose carpentry role for writer-director George Lucas fortuitously landed him the part of Han Solo after he stepped in to read lines for actors auditioning for other parts. Ford's notable career points are known to everyone - not content with becoming a household name for his role as Han Solo he then went on to play Indiana Jones, thus securing his status as coolest man on the planet to millions of kids who grew up in the 80s. Co-stars Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher, on the other hand, didn't do quite so well - like Antony Perkins in Psycho, the role of Luke Skywalker had typecast Hamill and finding new roles proved to be difficult. The good news though - as practically anyone remotely interested in movies on the planet is no doubt aware of - is that all three have reunited for the upcoming Star Wars Episode 7: The Force Awakens, which will no doubt usher in a hefty paycheck for all involved. The film industry might be fickle and unpredictable but it's always possible for an actor to return from the wilderness and make their mark once again. Which other famous actors made it big in movies which signalled the end of their co-stars careers? Why not let us know in the comments below?

Andrew Dilks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.