10 Actors Who Put Themselves Through Hell For Upcoming Movies

1. Dwayne Johnson Went Through His Hardest Training Regime EVER - Black Adam

Dune Stellan Skarsgard
Instagram: The Rock

You need only take one look at Dwayne Johnson to believe that the guy eats, bleeds, and sweats physical fitness - his insanely demanding daily routine would leave most mere mortals begging for the sweet release of death by lunch time.

But by his own admission The Rock took his comprehensive training regime to unheard-of levels while honing his already-sculpted physique for the recently-wrapped DC superhero movie Black Adam.

In addition to hitting the gym like his life depended on it, Johnson also manipulated his water and sodium intake for certain scenes to further emphasise his musculature.

All in all, the process took even the phenomenally built Johnson months to "dial in," though as evidenced by the man's social media posts, he has truly outdone himself and achieved a jaw-dropping physique worthy of a god.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.