10 Actors Who Put Themselves Through Hell For Upcoming Movies

9. Harrison Ford Cycled 40 Miles A Day To Get Into Shape (And Injured His Shoulder) - Indiana Jones 5

Dune Stellan Skarsgard
Paramount Pictures

As much as many Indiana Jones fans might deem a fifth entry into the franchise totally unnecessary, 79-year-old star Harrison Ford seems determined to stay in shape and prove he's still got what it takes to play the iconic globetrotting adventurer.

Ford has reportedly been put on an intense exercise regime throughout production, whereby he cycles up to 40 miles a day before heading to set and then shooting for almost a full 12 hours.

It's a schedule which would leave a man one-third his age positively knackered after a week, so the fact that Ford's sticking to this schedule for the film's several-month shoot is a staggering testament to his stamina and longevity.

While the concerns about Indy 5 are understandable, Ford's in about as great shape as any 79-year-old actor ever has been, so hopefully he'll do justice to the character one last time - even with a recent shoulder injury forcing production to shoot around him for a few weeks.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.